Sunday, April 24, 2005


At the risk of alienating or disappointing any readers who are looking for another Pope coverage post I decided to write about another passion of mine, basketball. Today I am both excited and a little sad. I am excited for the Heat's NBA Finals run to start today against the New Jersey. If Shaq stays healthy they will win the Finals most likely against San Antonio. I'm most excited about seeing Dwayne Wade take it to the next level which I know he will and I know will be amazing. I'll come out on a limb right now for everyone to read: DWAYNE WADE WILL BE BETTER THAN LEBRON JAMES. Yes you read that correctly. That 48 he dropped a week and a half ago was no fluke. I think he will have at least one 40+ game and most likely two or more. I can't wait! GO HEAT!!! I am also a little sad as my favorite college basketball team, the defending champion Tar Heels, just got destroyed as their entire team decided to enter the NBA draft. I am excited about the prospect of the Timberwolves getting one of those guys but the fact that not even ONE of the big four is staying just kinda feels like getting kicked in the gut. Anyway that's my take on basketball for today. Pope coverage will continue tonight after the game and after the mass in Rome today.

God Bless Benedict XVI!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The HEAT were awesome!! Let's see what they can do in Game 2!

9:59 PM  

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