Friday, April 22, 2005

Thanks Again to Hugh

Thanks again to Hugh Hewitt for his talk show today with his special guest, Ave Maria's very own provost Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. If you missed it radioblogger should have the transcript later and I will most likely post it as well. You can also hear more about it from Hugh here. Fr. Fessio certainly seems to be one of the best American authorities on the new Holy Father along with Pope John Paul II biographer George Weigel. Also you can purchase Benedict XVI's books in English here from Ignatius Press, which was started by Fr. Fessio.

You can see our reactions here in Southwest FL and at Ave Maria here at the Ave Maria University Newscenter.

Some other great articles about Benedict XVI can be found at Zenit:

Benedict XVI gets an e-mail address... this is amazing that he has one... I think everyone should send him one and if any one gets a response let me know...

Anglican Primate to attend Papal Inauguration... this is also amazing that for the first time, post-reformation, the head of the Anglican Church will be there for the Holy Father's inauguration. This speaks volumes about Pope John Paul II and his quest and progress for unity in the church, something I am sure Benedict XVI will continue but in a new way. I think by presenting the faith as it truly is and not what "soda-fountain" American Catholics want it to be, the Holy Father will attract many other Christians to what we believe is the true faith.

Benedict XVI goes outside Vatican for 2nd Day... see the part that until April 19, 2005 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger actually walked to the Vatican everyday for work!!! I can't imagine being lucky enough to have passed him on his last day before being elected and just to have been able to say hello. It shows you how close you really are to the heart of the Church in Rome!


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